The historical balance found in our Asset Report is calculated by taking the current balance at the time of creating the Asset Report and adding or subtracting the transactions on the account for each day.
The most common cause of discrepancies between an Asset Report's historical balance and the balance found on a bank statement is if one or more transactions weren't available at the time that the Asset Report was pulled, which causes the historical balance calculations to be incorrect. We are constantly working to improve Asset Reports so this happens as infrequently as possible.
The Asset Report represents all of the data available and will give you the most up-to-date representation of the account available, but if you are seeing a discrepancy that you would like us to investigate, please create a new support ticket. Please include as many details as you can, as that will help us investigate the issue as quickly as possible (e.g. How much is the discrepancy? When does it start?, etc.).