Provide pre-Link messaging: Set the right expectations for users before they enter the Link flow. Explain why you use Plaid, the benefits of connecting their account, and assure them that their information will be secure. Also, let them know what information they will need to provide during the Link flow.
Implement Returning User Experience (RUX) support: If you collect phone number data for your users and have it available when they enter the Link flow, implementing RUX can increase conversion for eligible users. See our docs on RUX for more information.
Initialize with a minimal set of products: The products you choose to configure Link with can have implications for billing, conversion, and performance. While Link must be initialized with at least one product, you can often choose whether initialize Link with all of your products or to defer initializing some of those products until later.
Implement full OAuth support on mobile, including app-to-app: OAuth can significantly improve conversion for eligible users, as app-to-app flows can allow users to authenticate with biometrics instead of a username and password.
Implement Fallback Auth: Some institutions, such as smaller banks and credit unions, do not support Plaid's default Auth flows. Implementing fallback auth can increase conversion by allowing users who bank at these institutions to link their accounts.
Configure Link for your user's country and language: For apps with multi-language experiences, you can improve conversion by enabling Link to display in your user's preferred language.
Remember to measure Link conversion to evaluate the impact of these changes to your integration. You can do this by tracking the number of HANDOFF events (indicating a successful link) and EXIT events (indicating the user exited without linking an account). Your overall conversion rate is measured as the number of HANDOFF events divided by the sum total of HANDOFF and EXIT events.
For more details, you can refer to the Plaid Docs on Optimizing Link Conversion.